2.0 Change History

(7/23/24) Gateway 2.55.5 and Desktop 2.54.2

Enhancement: Ability to send recalls with Axon Connect.
Enhancement: New EMR patient export for Axon Connect marketing campaigns.

Fixed: Issue with amendment requests not displaying.
Fixed: Issue with the date of service not appearing on search exports.
Fixed: The patient's preferred language was not populating correctly.
Fixed: Error occurring when multiple races are used.
Fixed: Corrected wording in AAO documents header.
Fixed: Landscape images not displaying properly during chart print.
Fixed: Added more comprehensive logging for Sophrona errors.
Fixed: Patient images are not saved after import or capture.
Fixed: Issue with patient notes needing review going behind the main application.
Fixed: Some maximized windows covering the taskbar.
Fixed: Corrected replication error in the recalls table.
Fixed: An incorrect value was saved in the employee options for incoming fax alerts.
Fixed: Document tag <<RefractionRx_All>> causing an exception error.
Fixed: PM passwords with special characters were not working.
Fixed: IOM counts were not accurately displaying.
Fixed: IOMs not showing past 50 messages.
Fixed: Letter editor images were saved at the same size.
Fixed: Child stamps in drawings were being saved as parent stamps.
Fixed: The diagnosis history "show suggestions" checkbox was not working.
Fixed: The selected IOL OS was retrieving the OD lens information.
Fixed: Removed a tools option used for testing.
Fixed: Double-clicking "needs review" opening the wrong imaging study.
Fixed: The associated signs and symptoms field was slow when typing.
Fixed: The procedures tab description field was causing the mouse to jump.
Fixed: Employee security group NPI not saving.
Fixed: Builder menus switching the mouse pointer to a blue circle.
Fixed: Issue with missing identifiers in the footer of documents when chart printing.

Axon Fixes:

Fixed: Confirmations are sent to the PM every hour instead of every night.
Fixed: Deleted and rescheduled appointments are being correctly removed from Axon Connect.
Fixed: Patients will receive only one reminder for the earliest appointment scheduled on the same day.

(6/5/24) - Gateway 2.54.17

Fixed: Issue with plan orders not printing and throwing an error.

(5/31/24) - Gateway 2.54.16

Fixed: Corrected an error with removing an unused stored procedure on server sync clients.
Fixed: Improved speed of chart printing and faxing.
Fixed: Corrected an error when sending a fax cover sheet.

(4/23/24) - Gateway 2.54.12 and Desktop 2.53.12

Enhanced: Added Gateway support for x64 architecture.

Fixed: Increased the font size of printed scripts.
Fixed: Improved the speed of system navigation.
Fixed: Gateway crashing during periods of high load.
Fixed: Gateway connection lost, no data available, unable to read, and latency too high errors in log.
Fixed: Corrected the issue with out-of-memory errors randomly popping up.
Fixed: Addressed issues with timeout errors being shown.
Fixed: Enhanced database performance with changes to the auto-grow parameter.
Fixed: Improved performance when searching for patients in reports and patient flow.
Fixed: Enhanced imaging, chart printing, and appointment caching to eliminate memory leaks causing system slowness.
Fixed: Corrected the issue with electronic faxing getting stuck and duplicating.
Fixed: Reduced the number of simultaneous faxes to alleviate slowness.
Fixed: Addressed an issue where deleting an employee did not refresh the list immediately.
Fixed: Corrected the issue with printing the site logo not aligning properly in the AAO document.
Fixed: Resolved the system lock-up when exporting patient data to a CSV file.
Fixed: Issue where pachymetry data was not displaying correctly on the ECC graph history tab.
Fixed: Addressed the issue of the plan tab freezing when typing in the plan discussion, requiring a restart.
Fixed: Out-of-memory issue when using chart print with large imaging studies.
Fixed: Corrected the appointment time order when manually checking in patients.
Fixed: Improved the flow of the review screen when opening charts.
Fixed: Corrected the issue where rooms were not displayed when using the change status.
Fixed: Issue where visit history graphs would sometimes fail to load.
Fixed: Corrected the interface options where the HL7 charge sender options were reversed.
Fixed: Resolved the issue with the modality tab not filtering properly.
Fixed: Improved multi-display persistence for patient documents.
Fixed: Issue with the share cloud letter filter not working properly.
Fixed: Addressed issues when updating server sync on the subscriber.
Fixed: Corrected the issue with health concerns not matching in chart print.
Fixed: Issues with missing indexes on database tables.
Fixed: Added additional logging for issues with Sophrona web portal errors.
Fixed: Added Newcrop V2 compatibility.

(3/1/24) - Gateway 2.54.7 and Desktop 2.53.9

Fixed: Issue where the nasal and temporal values were switched when printing EOM.
Fixed: Duplication of inbound faxes in internet faxing.
Fixed: Resolved the problem of reversed sort order in patient notes.
Fixed: IOM duplicating caused by patients sending long URLs in direct messaging.
Fixed: Scrolling to the bottom of the chart visit list and selecting a visit would jump to the top.
Fixed: Resolved the front-end locking up when the spellchecker indicated an issue and the item was changed.
Fixed: Corrected the non-functional staff order dropdown
Fixed: The patient flow was not displaying the appointment datetime, leading to issues with sorting.
Fixed: The non-functional provider dropdown in patient search has been corrected.

(2/21/24) - Gateway 2.54.6 and Desktop 2.53.6

Enhancement: Added discreet eyecare elements to CCDA.
Enhancement: Added an option for South Carolina script requirements in site configuration.

Fixed: Resolved an issue where duplicates in lists were causing system slowdown.
Fixed: Implemented missing database indexes that were also contributing to system slowness.
Fixed: Addressed the problem where employee settings wouldn't save if a mobile phone number were not added.
Fixed: Resolved the issue where canceling a patient export during the process was not possible.
Fixed: Rectified the situation where populating text on a letter created from a child visit displayed a warning indicating that no visit was selected.
Fixed: Corrected the HID not registering or causing a crash in the front end when used.
Fixed: Adjusted the behavior where messages would appear behind the UI, making it seem like the front end was locked up.
Fixed: Ensured the system no longer improperly blocks employees when the Emergency access option is enabled in the employee settings.
Fixed: Fixed the error thrown by IOM when linked to a visit that was deleted.
Fixed: Resolved the issue where the incoming fax alert dropdown did not clear when the clear button was pressed.
Fixed: Fixed the parent stamp of annotations not working.
Fixed: Addressed random locking and ensured locks were cleared properly on update.
Fixed: Resolved an update error where a missing backup file location caused the mobile app to trigger a rollback.
Fixed: Ensured AAO documentation was being properly sent to a Sophrona web portal.
Fixed: Addressed the problem where the Edge service stopped working after the last update.
Fixed: Updated referring providers when changed through the PM system, as they were not being properly refreshed.
Fixed: Added audit trail tracking for customization changes.
Fixed: Included the missing Reichert ORA corneal hysteresis in the notes field.
Fixed: Updated testimonial tree to include additional data fields.

(1/29/24) - Gateway 2.54.0 and Desktop 2.53.1

Enhancement: Updated MIPS.
Enhancement: Ability to print trial lens prescriptions.
Enhancement: THOM Ciberbit PM integration.
Enhancement: Additional New Jersey format for Spectacles prescriptions.

Fixed: The program option "Don't enforce 10-digit phone format" now removes the masking properly.
Fixed: Inability to flip through multiple studies to look at OD and OS.
Fixed: Dropdown customization for Glare Test type items has been added.
Fixed: When adding findings to both eyes, the diagnosis is not saving correctly.
Fixed: Edit patient screen wasn't movable.
Fixed: Unable to search using CTRL+F in Newcrop browser view.
Fixed: When adding a procedure, the selected location wasn't being chosen in the edit details screen.
Fixed: The next available option wasn't saving if another dropdown was used in "Return to Office."
Fixed: When using the order follow-up screen, the chart didn't keep the doctor and location selected.
Fixed: Missing option for Topcon JOIA in the phoropter section.
Fixed: Patient search exports would crash the desktop user interface.
Fixed: Program option dd/mm/yyyy was not being followed.
Fixed: Unfinished letters when sent in IOM could get attached to the wrong patient.
Fixed: Lens Rx send to optical and print buttons sometimes would not show after a screen refresh.
Fixed: EO error sometimes being thrown when exiting Newcrop.
Fixed: When using called-in med, the new crop screen wasn't closing properly.
Fixed: Visit history would freeze the user interface.
Fixed: Sharecloud button missing from letter templates section.
Fixed: When signing a procedure from the needs review screen, the data wouldn't refresh.
Fixed: When using enter findings in the exam section, there would be a random lock error.
Fixed: Errors when using 5025 CL HID.
Fixed: E-rx sync issues causing discontinuations and duplications.
Fixed: Improved system speed caused by missing audit trail index.
Fixed: Updated call to testimonial tree for the phone number.
Fixed: Unable to add an optometrist with the last name "Do."
Fixed: Data not found exception error when adding a procedure visit.
Fixed: MIPS E-Rx measure reweighting not working.
Fixed: Error when adding custom data tags to an image.
Fixed: When using export devices, the pm patient ID was missing the -1 for ads clients.
Fixed: ICD-10 2024 file didn't update properly in the last release.
Fixed: Sophrona routing errors creating large log files.
Fixed: Unhandled exception when sending data to testimonial tree.
Fixed: When using etherfax, the connections would take too long to clear.
Fixed: Cleaned up status on old faxes that slowed the faxing down.
Fixed: Message box spelling error when access is denied.

(12/8/23) - Gateway 2.53.16 and Desktop 2.52.4

Fixed: Discontinued medications in Newcrop were not displaying as discontinued in the EMR.
Fixed: Medications from the POH/PMH tab were erroneously set to pending in Newcrop.
Fixed: The audit trail accumulated multiple login entries for the same person.
Fixed: Object reference error occurred when closing the E-Rx window.
Fixed: Random duplication of medications in Newcrop has been resolved.
Fixed: Cross-coding allowed duplicate codes and will now prompt a validation message.
Fixed: Removed database indexes that could cause slowness on large systems.
Fixed: Eliminated the duplicate Marco Connect option in the autorefractor dropdown in interface options.
Fixed: The audit trail failed to update when located in another database.
Fixed: CV5000 was not importing AR data when selected with the phoropter.
Fixed: Edge would not show as available on some remote computers.
Fixed: Retrieving patient portal messages would sometimes result in an error.
Fixed: Removed procedure text from HL7 export for QRS PM.
Fixed: An error occurred while updating databases on script 118_2105.
Fixed: Unable to add a Doctor with the last name "Do."
Fixed: Series images were not grouped in imaging studies.
Fixed: Image progressions were not separated by procedure and series.
Fixed: Optos OP images were not displayed when imported.

(10/4/23) - Gateway 2.53.1 and Desktop 2.52.1

Enhancement: The Axon Patient Engagement - Connect product released.
Enhancement: Improved performance, appearance, and added Image Details to Imaging Study images.
Enhancement: Integration with QRS PM has been added.

Fixed: Signature box sizing increased, and saved signature size decreased.
Fixed: Resolved EO error occurring when exiting EMR browser windows.
Fixed: Rectified the issue of the Delete button not displaying for Unfinished Documents.
Fixed: Free-typing in some Sensorimotor fields no longer auto-populates the text in the next box.
Fixed: Basic spell-checking in the plan narratives has been restored.
Fixed: The fax window is now movable, allowing the document to be seen when attaching it to a patient.
Fixed: Chart Filters now correctly show the patient in the appointment list or patient flow.
Fixed: Chart print now uses carriage returns in the op note.
Fixed: Corrected the reordering of items in the coding tab when edited.
Fixed: Refill requests are now properly flagged as called in.
Fixed: Resolved the issue of receiving a 'Site is Required' message when attempting to view E-Rx Detail.
Fixed: Device export file naming conventions now include PMApptID.
Fixed: The mobile app can now be updated.
Fixed: The audit trail now correctly shows when an image is added.
Fixed: Special characters used in the patient name no longer cause an error when chart printing or faxing.
Fixed: Added a missing space between the HPI Location and Duration text on the Visit Summary.
Fixed: Overlapping in the chart print for EOM values has been fixed.
Fixed: Added the ability to free-type contact lens product names.
Fixed: Saving edited details in the tree-view screen for contact lenses is now functioning properly.
Fixed: Resolved a printing error that occurred when quotes were used in the patient's nickname.
Fixed: Rooms now disappear and return as expected when a new room is added.

(7/27/23) - Gateway 2.52.10 and Desktop 2.51.3

Fixed: Resolved the issue with staff orders not filtering properly.
Fixed: Resolved the issue where adding a lens rx tab caused the plan tab to disappear.
Fixed: Resolved the issue with an optometrist having "DO" in their last name.
Fixed: Resolved the issue with SQL backups not running properly.
Fixed: Resolved the issue with the "copy from previous" function showing a mapping error.
Fixed: Resolved the issue with not being able to edit drawings and annotations disappearing.
Fixed: Resolved the issue with the imaging studies edit button not showing in the comment builder.
Fixed: Corrected program option wording for contact lens rx.
Fixed: Resolved the issue with the procedure location not refreshing.

(6/22/23) - Gateway 2.52.3 and Desktop 2.51.2

Enhancement: Ability to move imaging and documents to the second monitor.
Enhancement: New option added to program options for automatically copying POH/PMH tab from the previous visit.
Enhancement: Features that open a browser, such as Newcrop, are now dockable when opened.
Enhancement: Added a docking option to imaging.
Enhancement: Introducing a new cross-coding translation screen.
Enhancement: Added telehealth phone and video options to service types.

Fixed: Corrected color issues when switching themes.
Fixed: Issue with site's logo not displaying properly.
Fixed: Issue with IOM's freezing when scrolling.
Fixed: Error when adding a lab and switching tabs.
Fixed: Issue with the "return to office" selection not sticking in the fast plan edit screen.
Fixed: Corrected patient search using characters in the vision fields.
Fixed: Removed a secondary blue highlight over selected items.
Fixed: Issue with Copy and Paste in the CC/HPI tab.
Fixed: Issue with not being able to annotate a multi-page PDF.
Fixed: Corrected additional issues with locking.
Fixed: Issues with HID Prox Card authentication intermittently going offline.
Fixed: Corrected issues with refresh on health concerns and goals.
Fixed: Issues with non-selected data saving in the workup.
Fixed: Corrected issue where EMR freezes when importing procedure template.
Fixed: Updated typo when saving VA.
Fixed: Corrected coding issue with care episode T59.905 and S09.93X only populating the base code.
Fixed: Updated the auto-advance of VA fields.
Fixed: Issue with launching 'needs review' for imaging study closing the open visit.
Fixed: Corrected issue with the back button in staff orders clearing everything instead of the last word.
Fixed: Corrected the cursor color when using the dark theme so that it is more visible.
Fixed: Issue with patient search not showing the number of records.
Fixed: Corrected issue when changes are made before chart printing are not shown.
Fixed: Error clicking "add plan" to discussion text in RGP and soft contacts treeview.
Fixed: Issue with scroll bar not returning to the top in exam tab enter findings section.
Fixed: Issue with rooms disappearing for a location but returning when a room is added.
Fixed: Issue with moving patient documents and imaging to a second monitor.
Fixed: Issues with the imaging studies window getting HID behind other windows that are open.
Fixed: Corrected issue with the cognitive/functional statuses add free text button not working.
Fixed: Issue with spell checker always being on when it is disabled in program options.
Fixed: Issue with test/exclude checkbox not working in the visit types configuration.
Fixed: Issue with updating CC IOP when updating IOP.
Fixed: Corrected issue with imaging studies randomly selecting text or typing not showing.
Fixed: Issues where third-party features did not close when the EMR closes.
Fixed: Various issues with stamps and annotations.
Fixed: Issue with default service type not linking from the visit type configuration when adding a new visit.
Fixed: Corrected DICOM lost found to assign known linked images to the patient.
Fixed: Corrected the issue with being unable to add multiple results for labs.
Fixed: Added a program option to turn off or turn on adding PD on spectacles Rx.
Fixed: Added printing of remarks to spectacled Rx.
Fixed: Corrected the layout for printing all spectacles items.
Fixed: Added signed date and time to procedures chart print.
Fixed: Repositioned the patient name on AAO handouts when printing.
Fixed: Added missing free-typed surgical procedures to visit summary when chart printing.
Fixed: Issue with removing patient identifiers on chart printing of ophthalmic photography.
Fixed: Issue with the code filter in the "other" diagnosis screen not working.
Fixed: Corrected errors with letters using RxPrism_Split.
Fixed: Removed an apostrophe in remarks when sending to optical that causes errors.
Fixed: Removed duplicated c/d ratio from chart printing.
Fixed: Removed extra space after "duration" in the letter section.
Fixed: Corrected the issue where marking medication does not print showing as added in the audit log.
Fixed: Corrected the issue with WUWDirection_OD not populating correctly in letters.
Fixed: Issue with coding selecting the wrong procedure code when coding after the visit date/dx resolved.
Fixed: Error showing in IOM due to a deleted visit.
Fixed: Added missing diagnosis to suggestions when added from the external tab in the workup.
Fixed: Corrected the issue with multi-bill CPT codes being out of order.

(4/18/23) - Desktop 2.50.14

Fixed: Issue where items in the fast plan would disappear
Fixed: Issue where fast plan narratives were duplicating
Fixed: Corrected issue with the PM button sometimes selecting a different patient
Fixed: Corrected issue with typing in the next appointment
Fixed: Issue with the fly-outs on the visit summary screen missing
Fixed: Issue with double-clicking procedures in the review screen

(3/10/23) - Gateway 2.51.15 and Desktop 2.50.12

Enhancement: Review list shortcut is now displayed on the application title bar.

Fixed: Corrected issue with getting a message the record is locked
Fixed: Issues with a random message indicating someone else is in the record
Fixed: Issue with the screen locking up, appearing to crash, and having to be restarted
Fixed: Corrected issue with custom fields in the workup tab getting cut off
Fixed: Corrected issue where "Dilated" was showing up twice in the workup tab
Fixed: Corrected fast plan ordering in the selection list
Fixed: Issue with double clicks adding 2 visits
Fixed: Issue with procedure tab randomly indicating it was marked reviewed
Fixed: Issue with backspace not working properly in comment builders
Fixed: Addressed issue when copying more than one free text item in the exam
Fixed: Issues with UI not working on windows 7 or windows 8
Fixed: Issue with trying to install the application on Server 2012
Fixed: Issue with double clicking send charges causing the charge to send twice
Fixed: Corrected the issue where selecting an item in the review list opened the wrong chart
Fixed: Issue with backspace in imaging studies comments box randomly deleting text
Fixed: Corrected issue where the family history was duplicating
Fixed: Corrected the issue of not being able to see the text in the return to office field when the chart is signed
Fixed: Corrected issue where the login and scribe fields get auto-selected on the first letter typed
Fixed: Corrected issue with procedure diagnosis background turning dark
Fixed: Issue with charting printing lashes from exam
Fixed: Issue with using share cloud stamps in IOM documents
Fixed: Updated review screen ordering to sort by DOS and then by patient name
Fixed: Issue with room view still showing checked-out patients
Fixed: Issue with patient portal throwing errors on some patients
Fixed: Issue with some Topcon devices having an error with JOIA import
Fixed: Issue with default extended ophthalmoscopy not showing on the coding screen
Fixed: Corrected issue with the tree view filter not working consistently
Fixed: Issue with OD and OS CC not saving when trying to change imported values
Fixed: Corrected issue with double-clicking in the review screen randomly opening the wrong chart

(1/10/23) - Gateway 2.51.12 and Desktop 2.50.6

Enhancement: E-learning updated to include details of the new features in this update
Enhancement: New Retina history tab
Enhancement: New Glaucoma history tab
Enhancement: Updated dropdown fields with a cleaner look
Enhancement: Added ability to quickly view progression images in multi-view, flipbook and sync tomography frames with mouse wheel

Change: POH/PMH tab "Other Explanations" was renamed to "History & Physical Note"

Fixed: Issue with E-Fax not sending time zone offset
Fixed: Corrected text "Adding ! will cause an alert on the Visit Summary"
Fixed: Clinical summary button not auto-selecting the first visit to save a click
Fixed: Corrected issue with the security option when searching for patients with chart filters
Fixed: Issue with reverse name order not saving in program options
Fixed: Issue with IOM button disappearing when document attached
Fixed: Issue with PM button not working with ADS
Fixed: Corrected visit date format for the year 2000
Fixed: Issue when merging patient documents changing date to date merged
Fixed: Issue with filling a drawing with a paint can, not being able to open it again
Fixed: Slowness issues attributed to connecting to Newcrop
Fixed: Corrected patient flow not staying collapsed after opening a chart
Fixed: Corrected issue with inactive doctors getting refill requests
Fixed: Corrected the order of items in Lens Rx when printing the chart
Fixed: Issue not being able to delete items in the vitals tab if entered incorrectly
Fixed: Corrected issue with Veracity and Va's not being sent
Fixed: Corrected CCDA validation errors
Fixed: Added special handling of Dicom jpg files created by another EMR vendor
Fixed: Corrected integration with Topcon CV-5000 using the JOIA interface
Fixed: Issues with annotation's not rotating with document
Fixed: Corrected linking problem with providers in Fast Plan
Fixed: Corrected issue with data tags not saving when manually entered
Fixed: Issue getting errors with missing tab entries on created visits
Fixed: Corrected issue on visit summary where you double-click an item and it navigates to the wrong one
Fixed: Issue with Heidelberg images getting cut off in chart print
Fixed: Issue with surgical procedures date for the second location getting auto-filled
Fixed: Issues with annotations on multi-page documents
Fixed: Corrected issue with Dispense as Written not showing on printed scripts
Fixed: Issue selecting additional imaging studies in the document editor

Gateway 2.50.9 and Desktop 2.49.6

Fixed: Issues with advanced integration with ADS Premier
Fixed: Corrected the system not respecting first name last name option
Fixed: Corrected time zone issue's with E-Fax

Gateway 2.50.7 and Desktop 2.49.5

Enhancement: NEW in-line editors for lens Rx in workup and doctor tabs
Enhancement: Added functionality to lens Rx like trial #'s, replacement schedules, and more

Fixed: IOM refresh issues were corrected
Fixed: Issues sending IOM with a Doctor's review was throwing an error
Fixed: Issues with IOM's showing wrong IOM or chart
Fixed: Issue where a visit can be duplicated
Fixed: Updated image study scroll bars in the comments section
Fixed: Updated history notes to be in focus when opened
Fixed: Annotations keeping the right format
Fixed: Issue with session timeouts affecting web portal and gateway connections
Fixed: Chart print with lens Rx values
Fixed: Corrected the chart print order of the refractions to be the same as the order in the chart
Fixed: Scrolling issue in comments of imaging studies
Fixed: Issues with lens Rx box expanding
Fixed: Patient flow search on first name throwing error
Fixed: Issue when deleting health goal
Fixed: Issue with a function merging duplicate patients
Fixed: Issues with large file transfers using Edge
Fixed: Issue with sending messages using windows email instead of an outlook email address
Fixed: Issue with CCDA reconciliation in measures
Fixed: Issue with a Fax error message when the To field exceeds a maximum length
Fixed: Being unable to remove a surgery procedure template from a fast plan
Fixed: Coding typo in an error message when sending a duplicate charge
Fixed: Updated the wording Adding an ! will prompt an alert in the Visit Summary
Fixed: Care episode requirement for Non-Injury Diagnosis
Fixed: Corrected injury base codes not selecting order base code based on eye and care episode
Fixed: Added the ability to delete a procedure modifier in the code options
Fixed: Placed the cursor in the notes box when the patient notes tab is accessed
Fixed: Issue with orders not adding the person who performed the follow-up
Fixed: Employee option "Show only Patients in Allowed Chart Filters in Patient Flow & Patient Search"
Fixed: Issues with review imaging selecting the wrong imaging study

Gateway 2.49.8 and Desktop 2.48.12

Fixed: Timeout issues with Email queuing for web portal messages
Fixed: Edge service handling large files
Fixed: Edge handling of updates
Fixed: Corrected Measure Calculation - Support Electronic Referral Loops

Desktop 2.48.10

Fixed: Issue with Importing Large files
Fixed: Issue with custom fields not showing correctly

Gateway 2.49.6 and Desktop 2.48.8

Fixed: Free typing in medications
Fixed: Issues with not being able to enter edit notes in medications that were sent
Fixed: Using mouse wheel to append - and + values in VaD and VaN
Fixed: Issues with IOM appearing to close when closing a chart
Fixed: Issues with fast plans showing available plans properly to suggested diagnosis
Fixed: Issues with sending to optical when values are not filled out
Fixed: Corrected technical and professional modifiers not showing
Fixed: Corrected full page RGP script printing

Gateway 2.49.4 and Desktop 2.48.5

Fixed: Issue with printing old Lens Rx scripts
Fixed: Issue with Lens Rx not showing on small resolution monitors
Fixed: Issue with server sync error on update from an old version

Gateway 2.49.2 and Desktop 2.48.3

Enhancement: Lens Rx cards have been improved for workup and doctor tabs
Enhancement: Checkmark indication of when Lens Rx have been sent and printed
Enhancement: Added new program option that adds the VA on spec & contact lens scripts
Enhancement: Added future appointment info to patient chart name tool tip
Enhancement: Added check box to view all fast plans when looking for a fast plan
Enhancement: Added full page paper selection for refractions and contacts
Enhancement: Added file base export Optical Integration

Fixed: Issue with documents or letters with refraction and contacts tags either not showing or showing an error
Fixed: Issue with selected patient identifier in the export device output
Fixed: Issue with Optovue iVue Dicom Tomographies not displaying correctly
Fixed: Added ordering on Dicom lost and found
Fixed: Corrected amsler grid showing when it should not
Fixed: Issue with some CCDA's not importing
Fixed: Ensured K values display 2 decimal places on workup and visit summary
Fixed: Added the full patient name to HPI letter text
Fixed: Issues with network timeouts causing disconnects
Fixed: Error message with patient gender
Fixed: & in room name causing error
Fixed: Issue with patient check-in ok button having to be clicked twice
Fixed: CCDA reconciliation date not displaying and user interface cleaned up
Fixed: Usability issues with comment builders with scrolling and textbox growing
Fixed: Issues with imaging studies not updating the data correctly when switching between studies
Fixed: Corrected annotations in patient documents with not saving or losing other pages
Fixed: Corrected the page counts when viewing documents
Fixed: Addressed issues with errors when sending to optical when 1 prism is entered and the other is blank
Fixed: Error when an & is in spectacles remarks and sending to optical

Gateway 2.48.5 and Desktop 2.47.5

Fix: Issue where Flexsys wasn't getting the OS Brand
Fix: Corrected text annotations not saving
Fix: Issue of Prism showing from previous records
Fix: Issue not being able to see refraction notes after chart was signed
Fix: Corrected gateway restarting when there are multiple contracts

Desktop 2.47.4

Fix: Corrected issue that causes an error message indicating the chart was signed when it was not.

Gateway 2.48.2 and Desktop 2.47.2

Enhancement: Layout improvements to Lens Rx and minor functionality changes have been made

Fix: Corrected employee signatures and stamps not showing in imaging study annotation
Fix: Corrected issues with printing Lens Rx
Fix: Added missing note history on Lens Rx
Fix: Corrected calendar to match visit selected date
Fix: Added missing double click functionality on visit summary
Fix: Updated annotation tools
Fix: Updated imaging study laterality when importing images
Fix: Corrected issues with downloading share cloud fast plans
Fix: Added lost functionality of tracking tab selection when changing visits
Fix: Corrected issue with multi-bill duplication
Fix: Updated NJ scripts signature line to high and script running off page
Fix: Corrected extra spaces being added to exam findings
Fix: IOM view button now working
Fix: Corrected issue when selecting a visit would open up a different tab
Fix: Updated the exam conditions to not allow editing normals
Fix: Issue when marking a document reviewed in IOM, the document closes leaving the user to lose their place in the list.
Fix: Addressed issue of procedures with blank descriptions not showing in review list
Fix: Clearing a direct message address for an employee will now save
Fix: Fixed error with IOMS when opening a chart with attachments
Fix: Issue with downloading share cloud templates
Fix: Corrected issue with E-Rx error due to the coupon
Fix: Audit trail issue during E-Rx medication syncing getting duplicates
Fix: Added VA/IOP/refraction to CCDA
Fix: Issue with E-Rx sometimes producing an object reference error
Fix: Added an extra space on notes to optical

Gateway 2.47.2 and Desktop 2.46.5

Enhancement: Added Prescription Benefit discount when prescriptions sent to pharmacy

Fix: Fixed issue with chart printing missing name in the footer
Fix: Corrected images being blurry when chart printing
Fix: Added missing double click functionality in the procedure tab
Fix: Corrected missing highlighted fields designated as required in visit type setup
Fix: Fixed Locations not removing N/A from selection when picking a location in the coding tab
Fix: Fixed error in POH/PMH tab showing a null reference
Fix: Issue with marking IOM reviewed and the item not refreshing
Fix: Issue with missing 1.0 functionality in Visit History tab
Fix: Updated the patient flow search to keep the value when returning back to the flow
Fix: Issue with where you can not add statement to Other actions without adding procedure code
Fix: Layout issues with needs review section expanding to long
Fix: Issue that caused lab results not loading unless you switched tabs
Fix: Issue with DOS missing from imaging study multiview and flipbook
Fix: Issue with automations in dropdowns when creating a new visit
Fix: Added missing tab functionality in the workup IOP section
Fix: Corrected issue with IOM not showing correct reviewed by
Fix: Fixed issue with some IOM's indicating the wrong employee
Fix: Fixed issue with opening the patient documents window when importing in the visit documents
Fix: Corrected issue with audit trail sometimes listing the wrong employee
Fix: Issue with ordering of lab results
Fix: Added missing discontinue information for the visit summary plan meds
Fix: Corrected exam conditions sometimes showing current configuration rather than recorded exam conditions on old visits
Fix: Fixed issue where audit trail wasn't showing in order of timestamp
Fix: Added missing audit trail information for printing charts
Fix: Issue with error in letter editor when printing charts
Fix: Updated New Jersey medication and order layouts
Fix: OS CL Product is not showing in Flexsys

Gateway 2.46.2 and Desktop 2.45.3

Enhancement: Ability to allow reordering of billed procedures in the coding tab

Fix: Issue with some patient photos not showing
Fix: Corrected LLL location showing as LL
Fix: Issue with extra signature on coding tab not clearing
Fix: Improved speed of chart printing and issues causing system slowdowns
Fix: Issue with testing studies button not highlighting when Gonioscopy has data
Fix: Issue of interface options not showing when an efax api key is not entered
Fix: Issue with Patient name not showing on AAO documents
Fix: Added updating AAO handouts when getting a software update
Fix: Measure Calculations referral loops New Patient Exam not filtered by reporting period
Fix: Issue with plan narratives dx ordering in coding tab
Fix: Issue with which active dx to check off instead of bringing back everything
Fix: Issue with imaging studies not using the billing modifiers in the imaging study
Fix: When editing the visit type the suggested coding will now get updated
Fix: Updated modality dropdown sort to work properly
Fix: When saving a new document and emailing, corrected the attachment and subject
Fix: Added the ability to delete a patient if the chart is open
Fix: Issue with "Use HPI Letter Text instead of CC/HPI Keywords in Chart Print" not working
Fix: Improved HID functionality and registering of cards
Fix: Exam - Enter Findings - allow user to start free texting comments immediately after last comment selection
Fix: Issue when reviewing a chart and closing it not always returning to the same place in the list
Fix: When replying to to IOM with predefined response it will now go to the top
Fix: Corrected issue when switching users showing the prior users filters
Fix: Changed search so that results stay when editing patient
Fix: Issue with IOM window not displaying image when initially opening
Fix: Corrected tabbing in the C/D Ratio
Fix: Issue with drawing stamp not stamping with selected rotation
Fix: Issue with double click deleting IOM message
Fix: Corrected with export devices using PatientID as PMID

Gateway 2.45.7 and Desktop 2.44.5

Enhancement: Added sort by name to patient appointments
Enhancement: Added ability to send IOM's to a group of people by role
Enhancement: Added cup/disk ratio and more copy functions to exam findings section
Enhancement: Updated ICD10 Codes for 2022
Enhancement: Added Sorting to fax inbox and outbox
Enhancement: Added Medinformatix bridge PM option
Fix: Contrast issues with testing image studies
Fix: Enter key allowing to advance to the next field in procedures
Fix: Issue with having to select DX in the checkbox instead of anywhere on the line
Fix: Image study comments not saving when using copy from previous
Fix: Add procedure tab button not always showing properly
Fix: Ability to select an annotation that overlaps another annotation
Fix: Issue with tab builder not saving properly in the other actions section of the plan tab 
Fix: Allow ability on visit summary to right click items and automatically copy to clip board
Fix: Updated printing functions to fix the slow down
Fix: Changed video capture application to work with different types of capture devices
Fix: Updated caching issues with Erx status calls
Fix: Changed the way double click editing dx priority was saving
Fix: Issue with fast sigs not showing when editing medications
Fix: Added code to address IOP showing when not selected
Fix: Added information screen when deleting a visit with patient observations
Fix: Error with Licensing getting in loop
Fix: Issues with patient education and documents only printing the the first page
Fix: Made improvements to fax quality when sending pages
Fix: Adjustments to New Jersey script printing
Fix: Issue with GMT Timezone
Fix: Issue of exam comments not triggering possible DX
Fix: Fields in vitals get hidden when chart is signed


Gateway 2.44.10  and Desktop 2.43.8

Enhancement: Expanded rooms view in patient flow
Fix: Issue with procedure tab not saving after initial reload but saves on 2nd load
Fix: Corrected alignment of text on New Jersey script paper
Fix: Corrected issue with AAO handout updates
Fix: Corrected issue with Mark HPI button missing on visit summary
Fix: Issue with orders printing on Rx paper

Desktop 2.43.6

Enhancement: Increased the height of the patient flow status
Fix: the font color of the patient note
Fix: the patient note from covering visit
Fix: refraction OS labels showing sphere twice

Gateway 2.44.8 and Desktop 2.43.5

Fix: issue with discontinued meds not showing properly.
Fix: error's in procedure tab when linked to a visit
Fix: issue with being able to rename visits
Fix: improvement with slow printing to some printers
Fix: issue with Medics Elite not opening scheduler

Gateway 2.44.5 and Desktop 2.43.4

Enhancement: Windows 11 compatible
Enhancement: Added VisuRef150 integration
Enhancement: Added ability for Erx counts to be updated by selecting the provider and not having to hit the refresh Erx button on patient flow
Enhancement: Added Gonioscopy pigment fields to the letter editor
Enhancement: Added additional twain scanning and configuration (this should correct scanning issues)
Fix: issue with pickloc not populating properly
Fix: issue with pickloc causing errors or lockups
Fix: issue with fast plan pickloc and right clicking
Fix: various UI issues
Fix: issue with charges not sent report not auto-excluding 99024 and 013
Fix: manual imports not going to correct laterality or opening the laterality option window
Fix: issue with scanning an image not staying on the side selected
Fix: issue with open chart from IOM not displaying patient image
Fix: error being thrown after closing chart and not going back to IOM
Fix: Fast Dx list in coding not staying open
Fix: Fast Dx list to select the anywhere on the line rather than just the word
Fix: issue when image isn't found causing all images to not show
Fix: issue with image study dropdowns allowing changes after chart is signed
Fix: improved many issues with HID and connection problems
Fix: missing double click functionality that was present on version 1.0
Fix: contrast issue in the workup with dark theme
Fix: missing button from the change status to leave the chart open
Fix: patient flow sorting by wait time
Fix: SLE/DFE comments cursor jumping
Fix: demographics phone number formatting
Fix: visual indication of using shift key in the exam findings tab
Fix: issues with Erx counts
Fix: procedure tab - "Sx Procedures Performed" shows duplicate dates when only one side is documented
Fix: light theme plan discussion text being white
Fix: chart print image study to show all pages
Fix: chart print images files overrunning onto another page
Fix: ability to allow to override allergy warning when prescribing
Fix: issue with referring, pcp and eye care doctors pulling from old exams
Fix: issue with target IO not showing on visit history graphs
Fix: issue with NJ script paper not lining up write due to different versions of paper
Fix: issue with entering bad dilated time values
Fix: issue with HL7 adding a new line character that some PM systems cant handle
Fix: bug where sending fax from IOM screen would not correctly format the default fax numbers causing errors
Fix: error in letter fields with LensType
Fix: newcrop errors with non alpha numeric characters
Fix: issues with site logo and correctly identify if it is too large
Fix: error when copying from previous Lens RX with the date
Fix: issue with updating tabs on Visit type change
Fix: issue with fastplan sharecloud searches
Fix: issue with adding text to a plan narrative and it changing the order of the narrative
Fix: issue with printing from visit history
Fix: corrected Medics Elite PM buttons to access options without requiring an open patient record

Desktop 2.42.19

Fix: Added lost right click functionality of FastDX and Pick Location tool
Fix: EO web browser certificate error

Desktop 2.42.13

Fix: Fixed issues with chart printing not printing unless selecting all or throwing errors

Gateway 2.43.14, Desktop 2.42.12

Improved performance of chart print

Reduced opportunity for out of memory errors to occur (to prevent this issue set the sql maximum memory option to max)
Fix: spectacles remarks not showing
Fix: Select All when chart printing now selects all charts

Gateway 2.43.11 and Desktop 2.42.9

Fix: Medics Premier Elite Integration
Fix: Reordering alpha on picklists
Fix: timezone id for international clients
Fix: Dicom Lost and Found assigning patient
Fix: Referral doctor populating the same name
Fix: to handle error with Efax gracefully

Gateway 2.43.9 and Desktop 2.42.7

Improvements to scanning
Update to 2021 MIPs reporting
Fix: Corrected TopCon AR importing
Fix: Visionix Phoropter setting not saving
Fix: copy to clipboard getting stuck
Fix: HPI - pick list configuration not saving
Fix Exam Finding list with last one in list not able to be selected
Fix: Past History Drawing throwing error
Updated Session Error Message

Gateway 2.43.7, Desktop 2.42.6, Launcher 2.12.1

Enhancement: Improved application speed
Enhancement: Increased list heights for tablets
Fix: Light Theme Rx signature text
Fix: Issue with disappearing or unable to add Gonioscopy or sensorimotor tab
Fix: Issue with Newcrop refills
Fix: Issue with charge sheet showing duplicated orders
Fix: Issue with cache list error with prioritized list items
Fix: Issue with Pickloc text expanding builder box
Fix: Issue with deleting additional names
Fix: Missing green check for Patient Education when given
Fix: Topcon AR import error
Fix: Letters showing age 0 for patients under 1 year old
Fix: Fast DX not opening on first click
Fix: Misspelling of Occurring in visit summary
Fix: Issue with Sophrona requiring the sexual orientation to send message
Fix: Issue with Procedures adding 12 am times
Fix: Issue with special characters in remarks causing error in Flexsys
Fix: Issue with deleting visits with &
Fix: Issue with Send Consult Letter checkboxes
Fix: Editing Fast Dx list

Gateway 2.43.2, Desktop 2.42.2, Launcher 2.12.0

New Features and Enhancements

Enhancement: New functionality to add Exam items
Enhancement: Improved Imaging speed
Enhancement: Testimonial Tree Improvement by adding phone number
Enhancement: Topcon Harmony Integration
Enhancement: Added CCDA R2 outputs for device exports on chart sign
Enhancement: Procedure Code Patient Searches now will also search image study billed codes
Enhancement: Added Room Type Filter
Enhancement: Added auditing for submitted faxes
Enhancement: UI improvements
Fix: General - bug in validation emails when editing employee
Fix: General - issue when descriptions have &
Fix: General - alert if Sensorimotor added
Fix: General - date order on aao licensing information for international clients
Fix: General - Audit Trail loading error for Employees
Fix: General - Added user authorization to security group
Fix: General - snomed code being blanked out when snomed code changes in the list
Fix: General -  Issue with Patient Pictures not updating
Fix: General - issue with + number values not displaying properly on the visit summary
Fix: General - Added direct provider search button to referral provider add/edit form next to referral provider textbox
Fix: General - Updated status and filter options to values previously selected
Fix: General - Spelling typo in allergy error message
Fix: General - issue with statuses jumping when selected
Fix: Faxing - Create outgoing fax directory if it doesn't already exist
Fix: Faxing - Updated faxes to close image when attached to patient
Fix: Faxing - null reference error in E-fax
Fix: Imaging - Respect newline breaks on Image Study comments
Fix: Imaging - Optos Wide field images not rendering thumbnails and displaying AddThumbnail parameter not found errors
Fix: Imaging - auto-import issue with bad PDF's when searching for a patient match
Fix: Imaging -  auto-import of documents when Auto import was not selected
Fix: Imaging - Flipbook not working properly
Fix: Imaging - Made multi view open into full screen
Fix: Imaging - Imaging Studies Comments box to be movable Documents
Fix: Imaging - IOL Master Dicom not displying properly

Fix: Documents - Patient name will now appear in printable margins on aao handouts
Fix: Documents - issue with renaming Non AAO patient Education
Fix: Documents - issue in letter fields where a field name RXPrism_Split_OD was wrong
Fix: Documents - Error trying to insert Signature of Behalf in documents
Fix: Documents - corrected inserting a date and inserting a date and time in the letter editor
Fix: Documents - corrected formatting issue with pickloc on letter editor
Fix: Documents - issue with pick location window removing formatting from letters
Fix: CC/HPI tab - issue with Expressed by for Health Goals and concerns not saving properly
Fix: CC/HPI tab - the health concerns or goals are now properly reloaded when an item is edited
Fix: Workup Tab - corrected issue with workup notes so the text wraps
Fix: Exam Tab - Fixed issue when updating chief complaint list to add item as prioritized
Fix: Exam Tab - Fixed free text description on exam condition not cancelling
Fix: Exam Tab - issue with coding resolver when used in Drawings
Fix: Exam Tab - Issue with MouseDown even on exam findings when selecting would select the item behind the selected item as well on mouse up
Fix: Exam Tab - when deleting finding comments from the Exam with backspace starting in the middle wraps to end of comments
Fix: Exam Tab - changed the Exam where clicking the individual exam item opens the add screen
Fix: Exam Tab - added exam items mouseover effect; change the background color on mouseover of an exam item
Fix: Lens Tab - Optical Button showing when it isn’t enabled
Fix: Lens Tab -Updated lensRx to check if chart is signed when trying to enter notes
Fix: Lens Tab -Lens Notes not clearing when going from one patient to the other
Fix: Lens Tab -Added split notation to the refraction history instead of the 360 notation
Fix: Plan Tab - fast plan copy error giving error No Mapping Exists
Fix: Plan Tab - Updated FastPlan reload call to check icd10 code for x and if found use code up to x
Fix: Plan Tab - Add Procedure in Suggest Procedure window
Fix: Plan Tab - Updated orders to open the when/till when adding a new order
Fix: Plan Tab - issue where Freetext DX wouldn’t be active
Fix: Coding Tab - Secondary Role Signature signing and unsigning
Fix: E-Rx - various issues in printing called in meds unsigned from visit history view
Fix: E-Rx - saving med sig where Disp was being put in Refill field
Fix: E-Rx - Corrected grammar and typos in refill error message
Fix: E-Rx - Removed Timolol drugs that are not available from list
Fix: E-Rx - Fix to medication description being editable but using original when sent to pharmacy
Fix: E-Rx - issue of printing CL Rx over barcode on NJ state paper
Fix: E-Rx - Added support for Newcrop E-Rx NCPDP SCRIPT dosage and dispense changes

Desktop App Hotfix 2.40.6

Fix: procedure tab custom fields missing button and hiding prior selections.

Gateway 2.42.6, Desktop App 2.40.4, Launcher 2.11.0

Enhancement: Added Room View Added.
Enhancement: Added Complex Passwords.
Enhancement: Added Ability to change your own password.
Enhancement: Added Integration for Huvits JOIA interface.
Enhancement: Added Ocuco integration.
Enhancement: Changed Plan Tab Layout.
Enhancement: Changed additional screens to show in front.
Enhancement: Updated Security Checks.
Fix: various Light and Dark theme issues with fonts and background colors.
Fix: UI locking up intermittently.
Fix: log on Slowness.
Fix: log off with HID to close when Cancel is Pressed instead of going back.
Fix: E-Rx logon issues.
Fix: many of the pop ups hiding behind the main screen.
Fix: drawings issue including Pencil and Fill tool errors.
Fix: arrow keys causing EMR to jump.
Fix: Patient Flow Jumping.
Fix: free typing of Additional complaints not saving.
Fix: Workup tab custom field 18 not saving.
Fix: Workup - notes entered via ADD COMMENTS does not always save, even with a screen refresh.
Fix: coding error when sending to PM.
Fix: location modifier dropdown in Fast Dx.
Fix: Next Appointment information is not saved if free typed.
Fix: edit staff orders after signed - showing pop message incorrectly.
Fix: Plan - Can't add a scheduled date or check 'follow up performed' after chart is signed.
Fix: non-AAO education linked to fast plan does not prompt user to print.
Fix: procedures added through a fast plan with 'Add Everything' is not opening screen to choose eye.
Fix: Copy from Previous > Medication Reconciliation - Some free text hx medications are being incorrectly marked for removal as Sig Changed.
Fix: OD photo images are showing in EMR as OU.
Fix: "Error Nullable object must have a value" when editing billing on image study.
Fix: POH/PMH : Copy from Previous Reconciliation is not recognizing past actions to not copy.
Fix: Exam - Copying finding comments (where there is no finding heading) from one eye to another copies to incorrect section.
Fix: printing CL Rx on required NJ state paper is printing over barcode.
Fix: cant print meds after chart signing.
Fix: logo printing.
Fix: if the option "Use Rx Paper for Staff Orders" is set - staff orders that are not labs will not print.
Fix: proximity card issue - Printing Spec Rx caused login issue for next user - have to auth again & print twice.
Fix: Sophrona IOM messages not going to web portal.
Fix: certain allergies not selecting right type.
Fix: time offset in etherfax for timestamps on fax.
Fix: patient search of IOP.
Fix: HL7 for Next Gen.
Fix: Testimonial Tree Employee Test button.